Suppose you own a retail business. You want your consumers to simply pay with their credit card and, in just a few minutes, order everything they want from your shop. How do you do that? Set up an effective API strategy for your business. I’m sure you’ll agree that in today’s digital landscape, a lot […]
Category: Technical
The competition in the software development community is so intense. As we progress more in this digital era, software development companies need to work harder to cope with the expansions in technology. The industry has to meet the demand imposed by clients as well as the pressure to be the best in the field. How […]
Some of the top companies in the world use Express.js. If you need something simple, user-friendly, and lightweight for your enterprise app development project, Express.js is the right choice. Express.js is a free, open-source backend framework for Node.js. It has features, tools, plugins, and packages that help simplify development processes. Also known as Express, TJ […]
Before the creation of Node.js, developers followed a clear-cut process when working on enterprise app development and other application projects. A client requests for resources from the server and the server provides these to the client. It was an easy process that saw the server replying only when the client sends a request. As soon […]
Web backend development is focused on ensuring that everything on the website works well on the server-side. All aspects of a website that users cannot see are part of backend development. If you are new in web backend development, one of the things you have to consider is choosing the right programming language. There are […]
Web backend developers write code using programming languages executed on the server-side when building a website. Backend developers write codes that help websites communicate with the browser. Backend web development is concerned with how the site works. The goal of backend developers is to monitor the functionality of a site, ensure regularity of updates, and […]
Building a seamless centralized application for businesses is what enterprise app development is all about. Whether you’re creating it for SMEs or multinational corporations, the goal is the same: to provide an automated system for all tasks and processes that will help these businesses efficiently carry out their day-to-day operations. As the enterprise app development […]