Lerna vs Nx: How Do They Differ?

octubre 31, 2024

Lerna vs Nx How Do They Differ

In the discussion about Lerna and Nx, the two most popular tools for package and monorepo management in JavaScript ecosystem, it’s common to see them being compared against each other.

However, it’s important to understand that Lerna and Nx are not direct competitors but rather serve different purposes in the development workflow.

Defining Lerna

Lerna is a popular tool for managing packages in a monorepo. It allows developers to share and publish code across multiple projects within a single repository.

Lerna simplifies the process of maintaining multiple packages, handling dependencies, and publishing updates to these packages.

This makes it an ideal choice for teams or organizations working on large-scale projects with multiple interconnected packages or libraries.

Learn more here: ¿Qué es Lerna?

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Defining Nx

Nx, on the other hand, is a build system specifically for Angular applications. It provides a set of tools and plugins that help developers with code generation, testing, and overall development workflow.

One of Nx’s main features is its ability to create custom, shareable schematics that can be used to generate application shells or add new features to existing projects.

Nx also integrates seamlessly with other popular frontend frameworks like React and Vue, making it a versatile tool for any project that uses these technologies.

Learn more here: What is Nx?

Key Differences of Lerna and Nx

While both Lerna and Nx are great tools for managing packages in a monolithic repository, there are some key differences between them that set them apart:

1. Capabilities

Lerna is all about linking up multiple packages from the same project and handling npm publishing.

Nx, on the other hand, focuses more on managing the development workflow for multiple packages. It can set up packages for you, and you can define how to run and build each one, kind of like Webpack.

Nx can also run multiple processes simultaneously, like running the frontend and backend at the same time without needing two different terminals—just like docker-compose.

2. Purpose

As mentioned earlier, Lerna is primarily focused on dependency management within a monorepo. It streamlines the process of publishing updates to multiple packages and managing dependencies between them.

Nx, on the other hand, is more geared towards development productivity and efficiency. Its main purpose is to provide developers with a better workflow for building Angular applications, although it can also be used with other frameworks.

Nx quote

3. Scope

Lerna has a broader scope than Nx, as it can be used with any JavaScript project regardless of the framework or technology being used. It also supports a wider range of package management tasks, such as versioning, publishing, and managing dependencies.

Nx, on the other hand, is designed specifically for Angular projects and its development workflow. While it can still be used with other frameworks, its features are more tailored towards Angular development.

4. Features

One of the key features of Lerna is managing packages in a monorepo. This means it’s best suited for projects where multiple packages need to be maintained and updated simultaneously.

Nx, on the other hand, has a wider range of features that cater specifically to Angular development. This includes code generation, testing, and optimization tools that can greatly improve productivity for Angular developers.

5. Community and Support

Both Lerna and Nx have active communities and are well-maintained by their respective teams.

However, Lerna has been around longer and has a larger user base compared to Nx. This means that Lerna has a larger pool of resources and support available.

3 Simple Steps to Integrate Nx with Lerna

While Lerna and Nx serve different purposes, they can also be used together to further enhance the development workflow for large-scale projects.

1. Upgrade your Lerna to Lerna v5.1. This version lets you delegate tasks running to Nx. Next, just add Nx as a dependency:

npm i nx --save-dev

2. To ensure optimal configuration, adjust your lerna.json file to align with what you need

Change your lerna.json by adding the following flag:


"useNx": true

3. Create an nx.json file (optional but recommended) to configure workspace settings

create a nx.json file in root with following config


While Lerna and Nx may seem similar at first glance, they serve different purposes in a development workflow.

If you find yourself working on a large-scale project with multiple packages, Lerna is a great choice to manage dependencies and publish packages.

On the other hand, if you are primarily working with Angular applications, then Nx can enhance collaboration and productivity.

In either case, both tools have their strengths and can be used together to enhance your overall proceso de desarrollo.

Let’s Develop Your Web App!

Having a team of experts in web app development, Startechup has been using both Lerna and Nx to deliver the best results for our clients.

Do you want to create your own application with a robust structure? Feel free to reach out to us, and we’ll be more than happy to help!

Contacto con nosotros aquí!

Sobre el autor: Andrea Jacinto - Redactor de contenidos

Escritora de contenidos con una sólida formación en SEO, Andrea ha estado trabajando con vendedores digitales de diferentes campos para crear artículos optimizados que sean informativos, digeribles y divertidos de leer. Ahora, escribe para StarTechUP con el fin de ofrecer los últimos avances en tecnología a los lectores de todo el mundo. Ver en Linkedin