Outsource Software Development Projects: Philippines or India?

February 17, 2021

developer working on outsource software development

When we talk about outsourcing software development projects, the Philippines and India are the most outsourced countries for developers. What makes these two popular among Western clients? If you are to choose among outsource software development india and outsource software development philippines, which is a better choice for you?

What Is Outsourcing – Why Is It Important?

Outsourcing is a business method of hiring developers outside of the company. In today’s time, this term often refers to getting software developers outside the home country specifically abroad. Countries that do outsourcing are mostly Western countries. Philippines and India are the top two countries where outsourcing developers are pretty common. Why is it beneficial?

Outsourcing as a business method reduces the cost of a certain software development project. It also promotes growth to all developers. Moreover, hired outsourced software developers also grow.

Outsourcing allows for staffing flexibility within the company. Since most outsourcing software development projects are contract-based, regular employees become more flexible in doing essential tasks and return to normal after the contract.

Cost-saving should not diminish or downgrade the integrity of the assignment. That is the prevailing problem when you outsource your project to IT software developers based in India.

India-based Software Developers – Low-Cost Outsource Software Development

As to the cost of software development projects, developers based in India offer the cheapest price. This makes Western countries outsource projects more from India-based IT professionals. Indeed, outsource software development india promotes cost-saving techniques to software development companies.

On the other hand, a low-cost software development project does not always equate to a quality one. While India-based IT professionals accept offers at a low price, they also tend to focus more on high-paying projects. This project treatment hich can compromise the quality of several programs under development.

Cost-saving Must Yield High-Quality Output

On the contrary, cost-saving measures are taken not to compromise the quality of software products. Software developers know this better. Take, for example, if you are to outsource mobile app development, outsourcing developers to assist the formulation of codes is a favorable idea. More minds of software developers working on a single project will increase the quality of the outsource web development company.

Cost-saving should not diminish or downgrade the integrity of the assignment. That is the prevailing problem when you outsource your project to IT software developers based in India. How can you reduce the cost of your software development tasks? Let us learn more about this.

Reduce the Cost of Software Projects

  • Plan. Mobile app development, computer programs, software applications, and more IT-related programs cannot be developed in just one night. It must be planned and discussed thoroughly. Planning can make you see the entire project along with the problems and issues that it might face upon the development. Some Western developers plan and prefer to partner with software developers based in the Philippines because of the quality projects they produce.
  • Connect with the right people. Instead of trying to cost-save by partnering with IT professionals based in India, you can even save more by connecting with the right people. Filipino IT professionals put their best effort to not forsake the integrity of every software development project they accept making them the right people to connect with.
  • Work with the experts. StarTechUp, a Cebu City-based software development company is full of experts, trained enough to handle issues and concerns related to mobile app development, website development, and website design, as well as other software products. 
  • Avoid Fixed Price Contracts. Fixed contracts are not just expensive but also limit what companies can request from developers. as regards the functionalities, design, and programs of certain software development projects. Thus, instead of outsourcing developers via fixed contract terms, it might be best to offer an hourly contract. The latter arrangement will give the outsourced software developers more time to improve the projects and collaborate.

The low production cost in the Philippines makes it one of the best places to outsource software developers – ones you can trust for large-scale projects.

Philippine-based IT Professionals – Better Choice

While IT professionals based in India are indeed offering economic prices for their software development outsourcing projects, there exists a better option. If you want to save some funds while expecting high-quality software, StarTechUp from the Philippines will be the best choice if not better. What are the perks you can get?

  1. Good internal management. At StarTechUp, there is no such thing as “getting as many clients as we can.” Under the supervision of a European management team, what matters to them is the satisfaction of each of their clients. We want to deliver the best possible software: mobile app, website, and other IT-related projects.
  2. Software developers are friendly. Filipinos are known for their resiliency and friendliness. In times of stress, they manage to crack jokes to break the ice. After the fun, they go back to work again. You will surely enjoy working remotely with Philippine-based software developers.
  3. Like India-based IT professionals, software developers in the Philippines promote cost-saving strategies for you. You can expect quality software at a fair price.
  4. Excellent communicators. Philippine-based software developers are excellent communicators, especially in using the English language.

Meeting the Demands of the Digital Era

The digital era has pushed the industry of technology to its limit and still expanding today. Whatever happens, software companies will surely be the focus of the coming generation. Outsourcing developers is the best way to cut expenditures. By outsourcing to other countries, we can develop the latest technological advancements in the world.

Software development companies compete with each other. StarTechUp was built to cater to the need for software developers across Western countries. It is based in Cebu City – the oldest city in the Philippines. The low production cost in the Philippines makes it one of the best places to outsource software developers – ones you can trust for large-scale projects.

In its early history, Filipinos were colonized by the Americans. Their stay in the archipelago has been beneficial up to this day in connection to learning the English language. Filipinos are known to be one of the best English speakers across the globe – and no doubt about that.

To meet the demands of the digital era, outsource your project in the Philippines instead of cost-saving in India.

About the author: Ryan Wabe - Operation Manager

After spending 10 years in the ESL industry, Ryan joined Startechup team as operation manager. In charge of HR ( part of the following processes: screening, interviewing, recruitment), manages company Social Media accounts - creating content, posting. And more. View on Linkedin